is about looking for beauty in unconventional places. It is a study of color, and makes a clear comment on consumerism by largely being made up of advertisements. Each sheet is evaluated only based on its color value, then is sorted accordingly. Every last bit of paper is used, and the canvases for in this collection are once used. Someone's old painting, or a print that is produced in a factory for big box stores are treated the same. Both are subject to the finite life cycle of our resources. Then, revitalized for this collection of works to help show that an object's value can extend further than expectation.
This work searches for beauty through selection and rearrangement. Something might be traditionally beautiful, or advertised as such, but that does not mean there is an absence of beauty. To see this beauty, you might have to wait, to allow your eyes and mind to see and feel in a new way. The beauty here is an individual experience because it focuses on color perception. Color is received differently. It can trigger all kinds of different associations and memories. Explore the color. Be mindful of your reactions.

This series is about constriction of sourcing in the creative process. The paper selected for these pieces is ripped from magazines with one characteristic in mind: color. No matter what publication they came from, or what product the page was advertising, if it is overwhelmingly a single, bright color, the sheet meets the criteria.
Constraints early in the process aid the exploration of creativity in a more unified direction. Similar to how knowing the rules of the game makes it easier to win.
The series invites the viewer to take a break from trying to figure everything out, to appreciate a general idea. Not so much about the words and slices of familiar images, but more about imperfect ideas that can create some continuity when they work together.