021 Graffiti Sunset
24 x 17 in
Paper & Glue on back of a Black Lives Matter Sign
Buffalo Exchange models on colorful book proofs on Seattle's 'The Stranger' free newspaper rips on the back of a Black Lives Matters sign.
The figures were meant to outlines of the letters S-U-N-S-E-T; it became abstract. As I continued, the figures maintained a loose block letter shape and the sunset came through.
I stayed in a fourth floor Ballard apartment for three weeks of August 2019. The sunsets lasted until well past 9pm. I wanted to grab as many loud colors as I could because sunset spectrums can have so much to them.
This painting can be shipped to you flat, on the board it was made on, or framed.
If you have a question about a specific piece, you may email me at - iparatore@gmail.com with the name of the piece in the subject. Cheers.